A creature focused on using this spell need to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the goal takes 10d6 + forty pressure damage. The goal is disintegrated if this injury leaves it with zero hit points.
Disintegrate 5e
- Level: 6
- Casting time: 1 Action
- Components: V, S, M*
- Range(area): 60 ft
- Attack(save): DEX save
- Damage(effect): Force
- School: Transmutation
- Duration: Instantaneous
A disintegrated creature and the whole thing it is sporting and carrying, besides magic items, are decreased to a pile of high-quality grey dust. The creature can be restored to lifestyles solely with the aid of the capability of a real resurrection or a want spell.
This spell mechanically disintegrates a Large or smaller nonmagical object or an advent of magical force. If the goal is a Huge or large object or the introduction of force, this spell disintegrates a 10-foot- dice component of it. A magic object is unaffected by means of this spell.
Would the spell Disintegrate have an effect on a carried creature?
Disintegrate destroys carried objects, however, human beings are not objects
What takes place if a sorcerer is hit with Disintegrate whilst he has grown to become a potted plant?
A potted plant has zero motion speed, so whilst you can cross whilst incapacitated in some instances, you can not go in a potted plant structure anyway.
Is there any spell to deliver returned a disintegrated character?
True Resurrection works
What occurs when a Vampire receives a hit with the Disintegrate spell?
The vampire makes a Fortitude saving throw with no bonus or penalty from Constitution.
Does the usage of the Wish spell resurrect a creature killed through the Disintegrate spell penalties of the Wish spell?
Yes, it triggers the penalty of the want spell