- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Points:36 (8d8)
- Speed:30 ft.
- Damage Resistances Necrotic
- Damage Immunities Poison
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
- Languages Common
- Challenge 2 (450 XP)
- Proficiency Bonus +2
- Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
- Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
16 (+3) | 17 (+3) | 10 (+0) | 11(+0) | 10(+0) | 8(-1) |
AC | 13 |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
CHA | 8 |
CON | 10 |
Challenge Rating | 2 |
Condition Immunities | charmed, exhaustion, poisoned |
DEX | 17 |
HP | 36 (8d8) |
INT | 11 |
Immunities | poison |
Languages | Common |
Passive Perception | 10 |
Resistances | necrotic |
Roll 0 | Bite 1d20 + 3 2d8+3 |
Roll 1 | Claws 1d20 + 5 2d6+3 |
STR | 16 |
Senses | Darkvision 60 Ft. |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30 ft. |
Type | undead |
WIS | 10 |
Q1.How do a couple of ghast stench fields work?
- Make a saving throw for every ghast nearby, on a success you end up immune to that ghast’s stench. On a profitable saving throw, the creature is immune to the ghast’s Stench for 24 hours.
Q2.Can a managed ghast be a chief of a pack of ghouls?
- You may get it to work, however, it in all likelihood may not get you the sort of manipulation you simply need. That potential that you can fairly effortlessly get it to lead the pack for you, to the pleasant of its ability.
Q3.Are Ghouls and Ghasts affected by sunlight?
- No, ghouls and ghasts are now not inclined to sunlight
Q4.Concerning a ghast’s Stench (after death), Stench (3.5 vs Pathfinder), and Paralysis?
- Ghast exudes an overwhelming stink of loss of life and corruption in a 10-foot radius. Those inside the stench ought to prevail at a DC 15 Fortitude save, or be sickened for 1d6+4 minutes.
Q5.Why are Ghouls now not experts with their chew attack?
- It’s a ghoul/ghast thing. They’re fairly horrific at biting. Monsters every so often have stat quirks like that. From an in-world factor of view, skill ability would be described as what you are educated with.
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