Lesser Restoration 5e (5th Edition)

Casting Time1 action
ClassesBard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger
ComponentsV S
NameLesser Restoration
TargetA creature

Once if you touch the creature then it can end either one condition afflicting or one disease. If it ends the condition then it’s going to be paralyzed, poisoned, blinded, or deafened. Lesser restoration and a more limited version referred to as restore strength, were conjuration and necromancy spells (respectively) that removed a brief handicap caused by certain creature attacks, poisons, and magical effects. well, that depends on how you rule a hangover; might be ruled together level exhaustion combined with being poisoned if there’s still alcohol in your system. Permanent losses or losses because of physical injury, disease, or other natural causes weren’t restored by these spells.

Check also: Heat Metal 5e (5th Edition)

There are some FAQ

Q1: Can Dispel Magic does essentially everything Lesser, Greater and Restoration, and take away Curse can do?

Ans: No. dispels magic only affects spells (despite the name, it doesn’t affect anything, including magic items or magical effects that don’t spell: this is often different from older editions).

Q2: Do spellcasters know that the lesser and greater restoration spells can cure madness in D&D 5E?

Ans: This would depend entirely on the spellcaster. For instance, if they’re a spell caster that has spent tons of your time around a temple, an area of healing, or a healer, then it’s entirely possible that they know that lesser and greater restoration can cure madness.

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