Flame-like shadows wreathe your body until the spell ends, causing you to become heavily obscured to others. The shadows turn dim Inner Light 10 feet of you into darkness, and bright light within the same area to dim light.
Until the spell ends, you’ve got resistance to radiant damage. Additionally, whenever a creature within 10 feet of you hits you with an attack, the shadows attack at that creature, dealing it 2d8 necrotic damage.
Shadow of Moil
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (an undead eyeball encased in a gem worth at least 150 GP)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
On my first turn in combat, cast Shadow of Moil and saw the center of a pack of baddies, hoping to draw their attention from the group and allow them to attack me at an obstacle. I used my bonus action to ignite my Flame Tongue Greatsword in preparation to use my next turn then the encircling enemies wouldn’t be in lightlessness. DM states that either the obscured or that the weapon’s effect is creating light, but both cannot be true simultaneously. You tried to argue the language of the spell but the DM shuts me down and that we settled on only the obscurement effect as that was more important to me.
As the action continues he states that the enemies within the spell’s secondary effect area can’t be seen, even by creatures that have a dark vision, which suggests nobody’s getting any attacks on them that are not an obstacle. This further ticks me off as You might have ended my movement differently if I had anticipated that. When it needs to the enemies’ turn, they weren’t even at disadvantage to hit me either, but I acknowledged later that’s because that they had tremor sense (no harm no foul there).
When you attempt to see into or out of a heavily obscured area both characters are considered blinded relative to every other perhaps counting on the sort of the obscurement. This spell specifically only says that the caster is heavily obscured to others (thus they’re considered blinded when attacking the character) but the character isn’t heavily obscured themselves in order that they don’t suffer the reverse.
Reciprocity can also depend upon the type of obscurement. If one character is within the light and therefore the other darkly then the one darkly can see the one within the light. On the opposite hand, if darkness is replaced by a fog cloud then neither the character within the fog cloud nor the one outside the fog cloud should be ready to see one another.
The character is wreathed in shadows that heavily obscure the character from the attitude of anyone outside. You feel this is able to include any light sources being held by the character, they might even be heavily obscured and thus the flame tongue sword wouldn’t shed light during this case.
Based on the wording, You do not think the spell causes magical darkness. The darkness spell specifically references magical darkness while Shadow of Moil simply says that dim light becomes dark and bright light becomes dim. Thus, there’s no justification for stating that dark vision wouldn’t add the ten feet of shadows caused by Shadows of Moil.
The DM should read the Blur spell since Shadows of Moil is effectively just replicating a blur spell with some added environmental darkening effects and a harmful effect against opponents that hit you.