- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: V S M (A drop of bitumen and a spider)
- Duration: Up to 1 hour
- Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving its hands free. The target also gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.
Until the spell ends, one inclined creature you contact beneficial properties the capability to go up, down, and throughout vertical surfaces and upside down alongside ceilings, whilst leaving its arms free. The goal additionally positive factors a mountaineering pace equal to its strolling speed. In the 1st edition, you would actually have to take your boots and gloves off to operate the spell and stroll as if you have been a spider. All analyzing cloth prior to fifth that talks about its utilization were once based totally on this version, as nicely as all the preceding authentic content. This approach lets the PC to use this as a way to go between areas only.
- How do Grease and Spider Climb interact?
In a dungeon, a participant was once caught on a pillar, and from beneath a spider was once mountain climbing upward. The participant forged Grease beneath the spider to attempt to make it fall returned down.
- What occurs if you soar whilst the use of the spell Spider Climb?
Until the spell ends, one inclined creature you touch positive factors the capability to pass up, down, and throughout vertical surfaces and upside down alongside ceilings, whilst leaving its fingers free. The goal additionally positive aspects a hiking pace equal to its on foot speed.
- Would you rule Slippers of Spider Climbing stop falling when motion is zero?
Slippers stick, you cling from them. Still prone, nonetheless on the ceiling. You are anchored to the wall through the magic items, it is nothing like flying to the place you have no anchor to grasp on to when your pace is decreased to zero.