Tongues 5e (5th Edition)

  • Level: 3 (Divination)
  • Casting time: 1 Action
  • Components: V, M*
  • Range(area): Touch
  • Attack(save): None
  • Damage(effect): Communication
  • School: Divination
  • Duration: 1 Hour

This spell provides the creature you contact the capability to recognize any spoken language it hears. Moreover, when the goal speaks, any creature that is aware of at least one language and can hear the goal is aware of what it says. Regardless, the tongues spell does no longer confer the capacity to communicate a precise language. It makes the goal universally understood.


  • When the usage of the spell Tongues, are you talking the true language?

This spell gives you the creature you contact the capability to recognize any spoken language it hears. Moreover, when the goal speaks, any creature that is aware of at least one language can hear the goal and knows what it says.

  • Can the spell Tongues be used to talk with most summoned creatures?

Yes. However, the spell says your goal can recognize speech, however does now not say they gather the fundamental brain rating to comply with and rationalize something is instructed him.

  • Can tongues enable a PC to talk and apprehend druidically and any different secret language?

Yes, it’s feasible to examine and communicate druidic barring being a druid.

  • Does casting Tongues on the tarrasque let it recognize the language?

The tongue’s spell works on any creature, with no restrictions. . In fact, it says you truly contact a creature, and when it speaks something happens. It is no way states that the creature ought to surely be in a position to speak. Thus any creature, whatsoever, inclusive of a Tarrasque, is a legitimate goal for the spell.

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